Thoght I'd get a quick blog in prior to my flight. I'm currently in Los Angeles and blogging using my Blackberry (which is an interesting feat). Now that I know that the blackberry works, it makes it much easier to keep up with the blog activity.
Previously I had read that Ebay is considered a Web2.0 application (I believe that o'reilly is the source). I must say that I disagree. If you take the purpose of web2.0 is to eanble collaboration, ebay does not enable that. Ebay created a portal in which people can buy asn sell products. The general premise is that a person list the product and often a minimum price that they are willing to accept, and the bidding (auction) processes starts. After a certain time if the seller'terms are met, the item is sold. I don't view that as collaboration. Their is no exchange of viewpoints, perhaps if bidders could poste comments while the bidding process is going on and therby influencing the overall value of the item then perhaps. But as it stands, I don't think this passes the giggle test of.a Web2.0 app.
AI Art and GenAI for Prompt Engineering and Education
11 months ago